
Traci Barrett

President & Founder, Navigate the Journey


Traci Schubert Barrett is a sought-after international speaker, best-selling author of What If There’s More? Finding Significance Beyond Success, and the founder of Navigate the Journey, a leading business consulting and leadership development firm.

As one of the founders of the wildly popular national cable television network HGTV, she enjoyed the amazing ride of taking a fledgling idea and turning it into a billion-dollar media empire. But after over twenty years in the media industry, Traci began to wonder, what if there’s more to our vocational lives than success? In a leap of faith, she quit her executive job and went on a soul-searching journey, leading her to create the Strategic Life Map process.

With a Master's in Professional Psychology and over 30 years of business experience, Traci specializes in coaching C-suite executives, business owners and leaders, helping them define their greatest impact and become leaders people want to follow. She finds the most joy in helping people from all walks of life find meaning and purpose in their work and design a life they truly want.

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Languages Spoken : English

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